DES Action USA with a researcher has now created an online DES Health History Survey targeting DES exposed individuals world-wide.
That's right! This includes Australians!
This survey will help identify health issues faced by women who took DES, their DES exposed children, and also their children (DES granddaughters and grandsons). Hopefully, DES Action USA will then be able to share information of any health trends with researchers to enable their follow-up with further study. The survey is not a formal scientific study, and so there is not the usual informed consent process with privacy information.
The deadline for the completion and return of this survey is JUNE 15th 2012.
To get to the survey go to : http://desaction.org/
Please share news of this survey with any friends or relatives you know to have been exposed to DES.
Let all of our health experience be counted - from everywhere in the world!
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