Thursday, 11 March 2010

TOXIC BODIES: Hormone Disruptors and the Legacy of DES

A New Book by Nancy Langston

ISBN 978-0-300-13607-4

Focusing on the history of DES, Nancy Langston gives a disturbing analysis of government neglect to regulate synthetic hormones. This book holds many lessons in modern precautionary policy and the author declares women’s bodies to be toxic waste sites for endocrine disrupting chemicals and drugs. A compelling read!

By ordering your copy via and designating DES Action USA, you can make a donation (at no cost to you) towards the DES Action cause.

Write "DES exposed" on your BreastScreen Questionnaire

When you next attend BreastScreen, make sure to provide detail of your DES exposure in the question about hormonal treatment on the Breast Cancer Family History Questionnaire. We know that DES exposure is not currently questioned on this form. However, by adding the detail of your DES exposure, this helps BreastScreen assess your risk.

Some members of DES Action Australia-NSW (DES daughters and mothers) following their mammograms have received letters from BreastScreen stating: Based on the information you provided and in keeping with current scientific evidence, you may have a greater chance of developing breast cancer than the average woman of your age and you are eligible for annual screening through BreastScreen NSW.