See blog post:
US screenwriter, Caitlin McCarthy (DES daughter) has a new blog post on acclaimed author Elizabeth Searle's site entitled SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD: Where is the Public Apology for DES, the World's First Drug Disaster? This blog post is a must see for anyone concerned about justice regarding DES exposure.
Caitlin's arguments are forthright and strong as she describes her lobbying on the issue of apology for DES with the Massachusetts Senators Kerry and Brown. You don't have to live in USA to voice your support and Caitlin provides options and the contacts in USA for us here in Australia to have a say.
There is potential for Australian media interest in the Public Apology for DES, with some real flow on benefits for the DES exposed community of Australia. Some of these benefits would include public recognition of the DES issue and public interest in the welfare of those exposed. These things would help validate the trauma and alleviate the suffering of those affected. It would also help inform up to 568,000 DES exposed Australians, who still today, are unaware of the fact of their DES exposure, and are suffering the effects of DES without knowing why and what they can do about it. A US Public Apology for DES may even set a precedent for the Australian government to issue a National Apology and go on to formally recognise the rights of Australians to be informed of the possibility of having been DES exposed. Food for thought???
Visit Caitlin's blog post now to check out her options in supporting a US Apology for DES. If you are outside USA and having difficulty with the web forms of Senators Kerry and Brown, you can send a letter to the following addresses:
Senator John Kerry (MA)
United States Senate
218 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Senator Scott Brown (MA)
United States Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-2102
Carol -- Thanks SO much for pushing to get the word out around-the-world! Isn't Caitlin awesome. It will be great when Wonder Drug is filmed and our DES story is on the big screen! Kim (Reno, NV, USA)
Everyone around the world should write to Senators Kerry and Brown in the US and say they want the DES apology. So happy this is happening. Grass roots. Woo hoo!
Hi all, funny to see what 'time' most are on line.My name is Dawn and I was told I have a vaginal cancer caused by DES in 1990;since then I've had 3 surgeries the most recent in Oct 2009. I'm having trouble finding some Australian based legal representation-any clues ? My DES was discovered by Doctors in the UK, since then my records have been destroyed-does anyone agree that 'having DES is proof enough'? Take the very best care of yourselves..Dawney
Dawney, I am glad you have posted this and I am sorry to hear about your circumstance. It seems there are complications for a legal case to occur in Australia. However, you might like to read blog item 22/11/08 "Media Alert: Australian woman wins battle against 'wonder drug' makers in United States". It is not necessary to be present in USA for this legal claim. Presuming that DES was prescribed to your mum in Australia, I urge you to self-report this to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. Details for this are at blog item 27/8/09 "A Piece of Statistical Pie". Every reported case helps gauge the DES problem. You are welcome to contact DES Action Australia-NSW (02 98754820)for more information.
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