DES Action Australia-NSW has received 3 enquiries from DES sons with gender variance issues and with very heart-rending stories. With the organisation's limited media exposure and with having fielded 1500 enquiries, this does appear significant. It should be acknowledged that it also takes tremendous courage for these enquirers to phone our organisation (outside their direct care) about their situations.
There has been no scientific literature published on this specific topic. The lack of interest/will so far is surprising in view of increased concerns about chemicals that bind to oestrogen receptors in humans and animals.
Details for DES Sons International:
Reference for this blog item: The Riddle of Gender: Science, Activism, and Transgender Rights (p 16,17) 2005, Deborah Rudacille ISBN 0-375-42162-9.
As part of DES Awareness Week June1-7 in 2011, DES Action Australia-NSW sent DES information to transgender and LGBT groups and publications in Australia. As a result, it was learned that DES was also given to people undergoing sexual transition male to female. Questions have now been raised regarding possible long-term risks of this DES usage.
There is controversy about the off-label usage of the drug dexamethasone during pregnancy, and in particular for women at risk for having a child with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). CAH can cause ambiguous genitals and atypical sex anatomy in females. Dexamethasone is thought to reduce the odds of virilisation occurring. See article
UPDATE 11/8/13
Listen to "Letter from a DES Survivor", by Larry Murphy, a DES Son Testimonial on @SoundCloud:
DES Son Testimonial